Blog Articles

What Issues Can Medical Acupuncture Address?

What Issues Can Medical Acupuncture Address?

Getting stuck with needles may seem like a strange way to treat a medical condition. But scientific studies show the practice of acupuncture can provide results. Are you curious about this ancient Chinese therapy? Here’s what you should know.
Jul 1st, 2024
I Want To Detoxify My Body: Where Should I Start?

I Want To Detoxify My Body: Where Should I Start?

If you’ve been hearing about the magical effects of detoxing, it’s time to hit the pause button. Instead of starting the latest social media fad, learn how to optimize your body’s natural ability to detox safely and reach optimal health.
Jun 4th, 2024
What Vitamin Injections Can Help with Weight Loss?

What Vitamin Injections Can Help with Weight Loss?

It’s no secret — losing weight is tough. Fortunately, there are tools that can support the process so you get results once and for all. If you’re trying to lose weight, vitamin injections could be a helpful part of your overall strategy.
May 13th, 2024
 I Have a Leaky Gut: Can You Help?

I Have a Leaky Gut: Can You Help?

Digestive symptoms may seem like minor annoyances, but they often indicate an underlying issue. When ignored, they can prompt bigger health problems. Do you have a leaky gut? Here’s what you should know.
Mar 1st, 2024
 Can I Heal My Body with Nutrition?

Can I Heal My Body with Nutrition?

There’s no doubt that advancements in medicine have offered lifesaving benefits. But did you know you can give your body an advantage without medications, too? If you want to keep your system in peak condition, it’s time to rethink your diet.
Feb 1st, 2024

I’m Ready to Lose Weight: Can Vitamin Injections Help?

It’s tempting to look for quick fixes when trying to lose weight. But comprehensive approaches often provide the most effective — and lasting — results. See how vitamin injections could be a beneficial part of your overall weight loss strategy.
Jan 4th, 2024
Simple Lifestyle Changes to Manage Type 2 Diabetes

Simple Lifestyle Changes to Manage Type 2 Diabetes

Living with diabetes isn’t easy, but there are ways to manage your condition and improve your overall health. Best of all, they’re simple, enjoyable, and feel good. Here are a few ways to get started.
Dec 12th, 2023
4 Subtle Signs of a Hormone Imbalance in Women

4 Subtle Signs of a Hormone Imbalance in Women

Women often blame their hormones for mood swings, painful periods, and low libido. But hormones play a much bigger role in the body, so an imbalance can cause far more symptoms than you might suspect. Here’s what you should know.
Nov 3rd, 2023
The Connection Between Food and Health in Functional Medicine

The Connection Between Food and Health in Functional Medicine

If you want to feel and look your best while keeping illness at bay, it’s time to take a closer look at your diet. That’s because what you eat does more than taste good — it fuels your body on a cellular level. See how your diet stacks up.
Oct 1st, 2023
5 Essential Benefits of Vitamin Shots

5 Essential Benefits of Vitamin Shots

Whether you follow a healthy diet or not, it’s easy to fall short when it comes to good nutrition. Fortunately, vitamin injections can give you a boost when you need it. Read on to learn what sets them apart from oral supplements.
Sep 1st, 2023
Easy Ways to Start Managing Your Stress Better

Easy Ways to Start Managing Your Stress Better

You may not be able to avoid all types of stress in today’s busy world, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do about it. These simple strategies can help you manage stress better to improve your health, wellness, and quality of life.
Aug 1st, 2023
Can I Reverse High Blood Pressure?

Can I Reverse High Blood Pressure?

Learning you have high blood pressure can be frightening, but it also comes with good news. You can get your numbers within healthier ranges, and many of those steps start at home. If you have high blood pressure, here’s what you should know.
Jul 1st, 2023
A Closer Look at Mind-Body Coaching

A Closer Look at Mind-Body Coaching

When focusing on health and wellness, it’s easy to put all your energy into the physical aspects. But your emotional, mental, and spiritual self also comes into play. That’s when we turn to mind-body coaching. Read on to learn more.
May 4th, 2023
7 Aspects of Wellness That Support Optimal Health

7 Aspects of Wellness That Support Optimal Health

There’s a lot you can’t control in life, especially when it comes to your health. But there are numerous wellness strategies you can adopt that help you feel and look your best while minimizing your risk of serious illness. Here’s where to start.
Apr 1st, 2023
7 Daily Habits That Protect Against Chronic Illness

7 Daily Habits That Protect Against Chronic Illness

There’s a lot about your health and wellness that’s beyond your control. But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do to reduce your risk of chronic illness. And the best part? They’re all within reach; it just takes a little practice.
Jan 24th, 2023
4 Stress Management Strategies To Optimize Your Well-being

4 Stress Management Strategies To Optimize Your Well-being

Whether you like it or not, stress is a part of daily life. It can be minor, major, or somewhere in between. But, when it becomes chronic or overwhelming, it can affect your health and well-being. Fortunately, there are things that can help.
Dec 14th, 2022
Holistic vs. Functional Medicine: What’s the Difference?

Holistic vs. Functional Medicine: What’s the Difference?

People often use terms like “holistic” and “functional” medicine interchangeably. But they describe two very different approaches. Keep reading to see how these medical approaches differ and how they can improve your health and wellness.
Nov 9th, 2022
How IV Therapy Can Improve Your Digestion

How IV Therapy Can Improve Your Digestion

Vitamins and minerals do a body good, especially when it comes to optimal digestion. Whether you want a general treatment that benefits all aspects of your health or one geared toward a specific digestive issue, IV therapy could help.
Oct 10th, 2022
 10 Functional Medicine Tips for a Better Night’s Sleep

10 Functional Medicine Tips for a Better Night’s Sleep

Do you spend the night tossing and turning or struggling to fall asleep? The secret to restoring quality zzz’s could be easier than you think. These simple changes can help get to the root of the problem so you’ll be in dreamland in no time.
Sep 1st, 2022
Need Immune Support? Try Vitamin Injections

Need Immune Support? Try Vitamin Injections

Could your immune system need an extra boost? Vitamin injections ensure your body gets the nutrients it needs immediately on a cellular level. Whether you want to stay healthy or you feel under the weather, vitamin injections can help.
Aug 2nd, 2022
What Makes Regenerative Medicine So Effective?

What Makes Regenerative Medicine So Effective?

There’s a reason people love regenerative medicine: Its entire purpose is to heal damage or deterioration in your body. That’s also what makes it so effective. Keep reading to learn more.
Mar 2nd, 2022
Start Your Year with a Wellness Care Plan

Start Your Year with a Wellness Care Plan

New years bring new beginnings. So why not start yours off on a course for better health? That idea may feel overwhelming, but it’s easy when you have the right coach and wellness plan. Keep reading to learn more.
Jan 1st, 2022
How Lifestyle Education Can Change Your Life

How Lifestyle Education Can Change Your Life

Did you know the choices you make on a daily basis affect your overall health and wellness? Even skimping on sleep can take a toll over time. Fortunately, it’s never too late to learn how to make changes that make a difference.
Dec 7th, 2021
Give Your Body a Boost with Vitamin Injections

Give Your Body a Boost with Vitamin Injections

Feeling run down? Are you looking for ways to increase your energy and stamina? These are just a few reasons to consider vitamin injections, but there are so many more. Keep reading to see if they’re right for you.
Oct 7th, 2021
What Does a Wellness Care Visit Cover?

What Does a Wellness Care Visit Cover?

Do you want the best for your physical, mental, and social well-being? That’s exactly what’s at the heart of a wellness care visit. Keep reading to learn about these personalized health care appointments.
Sep 1st, 2021

3 Reasons Why We Think You Should Commit to Losing Weight

You probably associate losing weight with better health, such as lowering your cholesterol and blood pressure or dodging Type 2 diabetes. But weight loss goes far beyond improving your health alone. Keep reading to learn more.
Jul 7th, 2021

The Many Benefits of Having a Wellness Coach on Your Team

Looking for ways to improve every aspect of your quality of life, from your physical health and wellness to your emotions and stress levels? A wellness coach can help. Read on to see how this partnership can make improvements that last a lifetime.
May 5th, 2021

How Regenerative Medicine Can Help You

Do you think the only way to heal your body is with drugs or surgery? Think again. Whether you have an injury or chronic condition, regenerative medicine can help heal your body — no risky drugs or surgery required.
Apr 11th, 2021

Is IV Therapy Better Than Oral Vitamins?

Do you feel like you could use a vitamin boost? Tired of taking a multivitamin day after day? Liquid forms of vitamins offer numerous benefits over oral pills and supplements. Keep reading to learn more.
Mar 14th, 2021

How to Manage Your Diabetes Symptoms

If you have diabetes, the most vital thing you can do for your health is learn to manage your blood sugar. Keep reading to see how the right choices and daily routine can help you manage your symptoms.
Feb 11th, 2021

Help! I’m Struggling To Lose Weight

Have you tried everything but those extra pounds refused to budge? Unfortunately, weight loss isn’t about diet and exercise alone. Keep reading to learn what could be sabotaging your success.
Jan 14th, 2021

When To Consider a Medical Weight Management Program

Anyone who’s tried to lose weight knows it isn’t easy. And sometimes it can even seem impossible. Fortunately, you don’t have to face your weight loss journey alone. Here are a few ways a personalized medical program can help.
Dec 11th, 2020

Understanding How Regenerative Medicine Works

Are you looking for a medical treatment that heals your body instead of masking your symptoms? It could be time to consider regenerative medicine. Keep reading to see how this field of medicine repairs your body and helps you heal.
Nov 3rd, 2020

Top 5 Benefits of Vitamin Injections

Curious about why you should get a vitamin injection instead of simply buying a supplement at the pharmacy? Keep reading to see what sets vitamin injections apart from standard over-the-counter options.
Oct 25th, 2020